Traditionally, sourdough bread was prepared with a starter rather than with yeast. This makes the bread more digestible due to the type of fermentation that results in using a starter. The fermentation greatly reduces the phytic acid in the wheat, allowing our bodies to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from it.
Let’s Get Started!
First, we need to create a sourdough starter. This will give us our yeast and bacteria that will make our bread rise. The basic idea is to mix the same amount of water to whole wheat flour together and let it sit on your counter for about 12 hours to ferment. Then repeat the same process over and over again until the starter is very bubbly and well established. It may take up to one month for a starter to be ready to use for making bread.
Wardee from GNOWFGLINS has a great video explaining the hows and whys of starting a sourdough starter. I would recommend watching it if you are interested in making your own sourdough bread.
What Container Should I Use?
Glass. When I first created a sourdough starter I used a mason jar with a coffee filter and rubber band covering the top to keep out the bugs. If this is what you are planning to use, I recommend feeding your starter regularly… at least every 12 hours. Otherwise it will likely get moldy.
After a couple of times of neglecting my starter and having to throw it out due to mold, I decided to try keeping my starter in a Fido jar. This worked great. I could accidentally forget about my starter for a couple of days and it wouldn’t be moldy. But it started getting more and more sour until I couldn’t stand the taste any longer.
Now I use a Pickl-It jar and so far I have not had mold or a really strong sour taste. That is what works for me, but use the jar that works best for you.
Making Bread Not A Brick
I’ve read so many stories about sourdough bread that has turned out to be a brick. I’ve also have had some of my own bricks (great for croutons or bread crumbs). I tried several recipes and looked at the common mistakes made while making sourdough bread to finally come up with a recipe that has yet to fail me. There are numerous things that can affect sourdough bread so I’m not saying that this recipe will work for everyone, but I hope it does.
What Is Your Experience With Making Sourdough Bread?
The post Sourdough Bread From Scratch appeared first on Modern Alternative Kitchen.